I remember growing up in Brazil and eagerly waiting for Easter celebrations. We spent the longest time looking at the different chocolate eggs hanging from the ceiling at the grocery store. We’d talk loudly about our favourites and hope the Easter Bunny would hide them in the house. The adults in the background, attentively taking notes.

The night before Easter was a busy one - for children and adults alike. We couldn't sleep thinking about the next day's hunt. How many eggs would we find? Would we get the ones we hoped for? While the adults would create little bunny prints on the floor that would lead us to our treasure.

This tradition wasn't just about the chocolate eggs; it was another date where our family came together, sharing stories, playing games, and enjoying each other's company. It was a celebration of togetherness that all the cousins, uncles and aunties as well as grandparents cherished, even after the kids grew up.
I moved to Canada twelve years ago and haven't celebrated Easter with my extended family in a long time. However, since having my daughter, I have continued to celebrate Easter and carry those memories with me. Honouring our chosen home, I blend the traditions of my Brazilian childhood with those of Canada.
Although I can't find the large chocolate eggs with truffles inside like the ones from back home, our daughter is more than happy hunting for tiny chocolate eggs at the park and painting chicken eggs at home. We still enjoy a special Easter lunch, but now it's just our small family at one of our favourite restaurants in town.

Despite all the changes life has brought, celebrating Easter is always a beautiful reminder of past and present, a testament to the enduring power of the memories we build with family. As I reflect on those times, I realize how these experiences shaped my understanding of Easter as a time of joy, renewal, and family, regardless of its religious meaning.
When we started Vancouver Best Cookies in 2020, what we most hoped for was to help connect loved ones who were separated because of the restrictions we experienced that year. Serving our community in the greater Vancouver area, we helped hundreds of family members and friends far and wide share in each others' love by sending and receiving a box of cookies. Four years have passed but our sentiment remains the same.

Regardless of where you are in the world, the essence of Easter transcends geographical and cultural boundaries, uniting us in the spirit of community and love.
This Easter, we hope to help you spread your love and appreciation with the ones you care about through the gift of cookies.
From our family to yours,
Dani & Leo